Our Mission: putting kids first in the federal budget
The Children's Budget Coalition is dedicated to making children and families the priority in federal policy and budget decisions. We are committed to ensuring that all of our children have equal opportunity to reach their full potential.
The Children’s Budget Coalition is made up of more than 80 children’s advocacy organizations with priorities across a diverse range of issues, such as health, education, nutrition, the welfare system, and more. This unique coalition capitalizes on members’ broad policy expertise to collectively advocate for children to receive their fair share of the federal budget, as well as serve as a resource for policymakers, stakeholders, and other advocates. Find our members here.
Rather than encourage policymakers to pit important programs against each other in federal spending decisions, our members come together to advocate for kids to receive a bigger piece of the federal pie. Join our coalition to stay updated on how children are faring in the budget and appropriations process, collaborate with partners to address pressing policy issues, educate lawmakers, and demand action to invest in our children.
“No matter which party is in power, it’s important to keep pushing our congressional leaders to prioritize investment in our kids, because they are our country’s future.”